325 Broadway
Lynnfield, Massachusetts 01940

The 5th Annual Army – Navy Football Luncheon benefits Operation Ensuring Christmas, a non-profit organization that provides financial, moral and rehabilitative support to the children of American soldiers who have been killed since September 11, 2001 in Iraq and Afghanistan. The luncheon is scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 6 at The Bostonville Grille in Lynnfield.

The luncheon, hosted by the Ahern Family Charitable Foundation, will feature a silent auction, live auction, and a raffle. The event will include a buffet lunch while attendees view the 109th Annual Army-Navy football game on Bostonville Grille’s big screen plasma TVs. There will be fun for the entire family with the Grille’s Kidsville and the All-Star Arcade open during the event. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and the football game kicks-off at 12 noon. Tickets to the Fifth Annual Army-Navy Football Luncheon are $25 for adults, $15.00 with military ID and $10 for kids. Tickets are available by calling 617-212-1508 or through PayPal online at www.ahernfoundation.org.

Official Website: http://www.ahernfoundation.org

Added by brianne on October 31, 2008

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