------------Dates and Times--------------
Date: Friday, September, 11th 2009 to Sunday, September, 13th 2009
Times: All-Day Event
----------------RSVP To------------------
+1 215.390.7170
+1 484.302.1177
+1 610.337.4767
Email: philly.ladies@yahoo.com
-------------About the Event-------------
Are you depressed, in debt, in physical pain, facing marriage challenges, problems with your teen child, crying ourself to sleep at night? Now is your chance to seek God's kingdom and His righteousness. Mark 1:15, Acts 1:3, Mathew 6:33. FIFMI Philadelphia invites you to the East Coast Women's Conference... "Kingdom Women Walking in Wisdom."
Speakers include:
Host: Pastor Christine Kurumidzai - Philadelphia, PA
Pastor Rudo Rwizi - Northampton, UK
Pastor Tina Mashushire - Indianapolis, IN
Danette M. Ray - Philadelphia, PA
Overseer Gwen Mawoko - Dallas, TX
Other Speakers include;
Martha Gato | Mary Uanguta | Perpetua Tafirenyika
Single: $292
Double: $190.00
Triple: $169.00
Quad: $140.00
Registration Includes
2 Hotel Nights
2 Breakfast
2 Dinners
The Embassy Suites
9000 Batram Rd
Philadelphia, PA 19153
-------------Download the Flier--------------------
Official Website: http://fifmi.org/tabid/8604/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/874/Default.aspx
Added by FIFMI dot Org on August 18, 2009