Leisure Resort, Victoria (100 km outside Melbourne),
Victoria, Victoria

-------Event Name----------
FIFMI Australia Men's Conference, Victoria 2010.
----------Dates and Times--------------

Date: Thursday, September 23 to Sunday, September 26, 2010

----------------RSVP To------------------

Deacon Oliver Maboreke
Phone: +614 13843004
E-mail: mabodelight@yahoo.com
Philip Island Christian Camp & Amp,
Leisure Resort, Victoria (100 km outside Melbourne),

-------------About the Event-------------

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. As we celebrate 50 years of God's grace, this year of Jubilee men of Australia have been favoured. We have the opportunity to hold our first Men's conference and what a historic event it is going to be.
The Lord is going to re-establish the authority of all men and also young men throughout the land. Victoria stands proud to hold such an historic conference. We therefore call on all men in the land and beyond to rise up to the challenge and be part of FIFMI Australia's wind of change. This is not just a conference for FIFMI members only, it is also an opportunity to bring many of our brothers in the world to Christ. Brothers from other ministries are all welcome.
All men and boys (15yrs +) are highly encouraged to attend. This will be a life changing conference and from here on our ministry will definitely rise from glory to glory. Let's register early so that we will have a successful conference which will have a lasting impression upon our lives.

Added by FIFMI dot Org on April 5, 2010