625 Larkin Street
San Francisco, California

The Fiery Feminists of Color Theory Series continues with a discussion of Shout Out: Women of Color Respond to Violence, edited by Barbara K. Ige and MarĂ­a Ochoa. Through critical examinations, creative nonfiction, and poetry, the contributors to this powerful anthology provide living testimony for the need to put an end to oppression and violence. Copies of the readings are available for a small donation.

Come early for an autumn buffet, with vegetarian option, available at 6:15pm for a $7.50 donation. Work exchanges available. Wheelchair accessible.

The meeting will take place at New Valencia Hall, 625 Larkin Street, Suite 202, San Francisco, CA 94109. Five blocks from the Civic Center BART station, and on the #19 and #31 Muni bus line. For more information or childcare, phone 415-864-1278 or email: baradicalwomen@earthlink.net.

Official Website: http://radicalwomen.org/sanfrancisco.html

Added by folkie on October 22, 2010

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