#07-01, (One-North@Mediapolis, opposite Temasek Club, Portsdown Road)
Singapore, Central Singapore 138562

Looking to learn more about the film industry or simply curious to know how post-production, effects and other elements come together? Find out from the team behind one of Singapore's most dynamic media companies, Infinite Studios. Get an insight into what goes on in practical post-production and visual effects, and tour around the studios and soundstage for a little movie magic.

Infinite Studios (formerly known as Infinite Frameworks) has developed award-winning work since 1997. Its animation division has worked on projects such as Tatsumi, which was featured in the 2011 Cannes Film Festival's Un Certain Regard and won Best Animated Feature at SITGES (Barcelona). Its post-production and visual effects team works with major advertising agencies, production companies, broadcasters and content companies. Some of its high profile projects include Eric Khoo's My Magic, which was in competition for the Palme d'Or at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and multi-Emmy winner Mark Burnett Productions' Contender Asia. Infinite Studios also manages soundstages in Singapore and Indonesia.

1. Pre-registration is required. Capped at 25 participants
2. Participants will be provided meeting details upon confirmation of their registration for this field trip.

Date: Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Time: 5.00pm-7.15pm

Venue: 21 Media Circle, #07-01, Singapore 138562 (One-North@Mediapolis, opposite Temasek Club, Portsdown Road)

Cost: Free

Organiser: Nexus

Enquiries: +65 6293 9782 / registration@objectifs.com.sg

Registration: https://cine65.sg/event.php

This seminar is held in conjunction with ciNE65. ciNE65 is a short film competition that aims to capture our Singaporean identity through the lenses of budding filmmakers. Have ideas for a 3-minute short film? Find out more about the competition and other upcoming workshops at https://cine65.sg/.

Added by aprw on March 22, 2013