FIELD TACTICS FOR DISPATCHERSThis course provides information on officer safety and field tactic techniques used by officers. Topics discussed are: building searches, use of force, defensive tactics, survival shooting, critical incident responses, bicycle and pedestrian stops, high-risk vehicle stops, and related safety issues.
Instructor: Geoff Weiss, San Diego County Sheriff's Department
What Others Have Said About This Course:
"The whole class was enjoyable."
"I liked how many different topics were discussed and the numerous guest speakers"
"Favorite part of the day was the K-9 demonstration."
"This is one of the better trainings that I've attended in my many, many years as a dispatcher."
"This is one of the best classes I have been to in a long time"
"You know how they say 'he's a cop's cop?', well Geoff is definitely a 'dispatcher's dispatcher'! Great sense of humor and KNOWS HIS STUFF!!!"
"I enjoyed the interactive nature of this class."
"How can this course be imporved? I'm not sure if it could, honestly this is one of the best classes I have taken."
"This is probably the best POST class that I've had the pleasure to attend. Most are fairly drab, but I felt drawn in and engaged for the entire class."
"I have been a dispatcher for 15 years and this class has truly inspired me to be a better dispatcher."
For additional information or questions, contact Melissa Hernandez at
training@sdapsd.org, or by calling 619.342.7344
Prerequisite: Must be currently employed by a public safety agency
For information about the training venue, Marina Village, click here
Classes presented by the San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
Organized by San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers
The San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers (APSD) develops and presents training courses for public safety dispatchers.
Classes presented by APSD are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
APSD works in conjunction with existing law enforcement, fire/EMS associations and resources to bring the needs and concerns specific to communications to the forefront. APSD is an independent, non-profit association made up of fire and law enforcement communications center managers, supervisors, phone and radio dispatchers in San Diego County.
APSD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationTax I.D. 04-3730953
Ticket Info: Attendee, $75.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/236985831/upcoming