Have you always dreamed of writing your own fiddle tune? Ever heard a tune, fell in love with it and wondered how you could write one too? Do you have fragments of tunes lying around and don't know what to do next?
This workshop will concentrate on bringing your writing to the next level. We'll peel away the layers of different fiddle tunes and explore phrasing and melodic, harmonic and rhythmic ideas. We'll also work on writing and sculpting our own compositions. By the end of this workshop you'll have compositional ideas, tips for unblocking writers block and more complete ideas to further your own writing. We'll work in groups and individually and there will be homework!
Note : This workshop concentrates on fiddle tunes as opposed to song and lyric writing. Although we'll be working with fiddle tunes, any instrument is welcome. You must know a few tunes on your instrument. Please bring a recorder and writing material and an open mind! We're going to have a blast!
Added by callananklein on November 9, 2012