361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Jonathan Edelstein (guitar / vocals), Lucian Buscemi (bass / vocals) and Julian Bennett Holmes (drums) are Fiasco, a Brooklyn punk trio who have been playing together since 2003.

The Genuine Imitations
The Genuine Imitations are just another corporate, Brooklyn sounding, indie rock, sugar coded commodity. They grew from being the most hated band in Westchester, New York to the most beloved, deciding to make pop songs with choruses instead of just screaming. They continue to churn out fast punk songs, James Brown-like funk songs and pop rock classics.

ADV $10 // DOS $10

Buy tix online at Ticketweb

Official Website: http://www.knittingfactory.com/show.php?event_id=109495

Added by Knitting Factory Brooklyn on November 29, 2007

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