Yurakucho Denki Building, 20th Floor
tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture 100-0006

Complexity Intelligence: How to Integrate, Balance and Evolve Your Roles and Results as a Parent, Business Owner and Volunteer

Cost: FEW Members ¥2,000 / Guests ¥5,000 (supper and drinks included)

Venue: Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ), Yurakucho Denki Building, 20th Floor (map)

Speaker: Chad Stewart

We are most happy, effective and rewarded in life when our worldview, value system, mental models, and emotional/social intelligence match the external demands and internal needs of our private (self), personal (family and friends) and professional (work and volunteers) roles and responsibilities. Measuring, developing and managing our perspectives, skills, and behavior to best fit our roles and responsibilities requires the “skillful means” of complexity intelligence.
Come find out how further developing your complexity intelligence can help you better accomplish your dreams and goals while balancing family, work, volunteerism, and personal development!

Chad will discuss his experience in applying complexity intelligence to the interwoven arts of raising a family, running a business, providing powerful results for clients, volunteering with Room to Read, and finding time to continually design, create alignment and implement new visions-in-action with family, work and volunteer partners. He then will use Interkannections’ model of complexity (capacity) development as a visual anchor to discuss how you can:
1. Measure
2. Develop and
3. Manage your complexity intelligence.

Chad currently designs and leads systemic interventions for organizations including leadership development pipelines, organizational culture upgrades, and corporate triage.

He is the founder and Principal of Interkannections, a complexity intelligence consultancy, and co-founder and Principal of Integral Japan, an NGO cum social enterprise focused on helping people develop and apply the “integral” complexity intelligence system in Japan.

He has worked as a development catalyst and executive coach with several Mitsubishi and Global Fortune 500 companies, served as a project manager for the United Nations Centre for Regional Development, helped establish an environmental committee for Mie Prefecture, and guest lectured at the Kyoto University M.B.A. Program. He currently serves as an organizational consultant and coach to the Room to Read Tokyo Chapter.

By far his most important roles are husband, and father to two children. Integrating, balancing, and evolving all of these roles makes life quite interesting, enjoyable, and occasionally difficult.

Chad is supported by communities of practice (family, business, and volunteer), an M.A. in Intercultural Relations from the Intercultural Communication Institute, and certification in three systems of complexity intelligence that have developed proven results globally at the individual (Maturity Assessment Profile), organizational (Cultural Training Tools), and national (Spiral Dynamics Integral) levels. Chad can be contacted at chad@ikan.biz.

Contact: few@gol.com
No advance reservation required. Please note this is a women only event.

Official Website: http://www.fewjapan.com

Added by Lshannon on April 23, 2008

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