Join us for the 12th annual San Francisco Festival of the Mandolins. Five diverse mandolin ensembles perform. The concert is at 1PM preceded at 11:30AM by workshops with the master performers. Tim Connell of Rio Con Brio will perform Brazilian choro style; Phil Lawrence Band plays jazz with David and Linda LaFlamme from It's a Beautiful Day; Billy Packard plays Italian and Mexican music, carrying on the tradition of Tony Flores; Aurora Mandolin Orchestra plays classical and popular works for the big orchestra and Silver Strings joins with the Dalmacijo Singers in the beautiful harmonies of Croatian klapa singing accompanied by mandolins, as is the custom along the Dalmatian coast of Croatia. Klapa is the beautiful and complex form of traditional group singing immensely popular in the Dalmatian region of Croatia. There will be a sneak-preview of a film about the Ger Mandolin Orchestra, a recent re-creation of a pre-war mandolin group in Poland, featuring Mike Marshall, Avi Avital, and other mandolin super-stars. Bulgarian food will be prepared by Hristo Kolev.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 8, 2012