6pm Pre-concert lecture on Ibsen: Kirsten Herold
7pm “Nordic Myths”
Two international collaborations exploring Nordic elements. Dancer and choreographer Silva Laukkanen, Finland, collaborates with Ann Arbor-based musicians Amy McKenna (voice) and Laurel Premo (Nordic folk fiddle, jouhikko) in a piece inspired by the Finnish myth Kalevala, Kolme Kuuta (Three moons). Kate Mendeloff, Residential College, directs Scenes from “Lady from the Sea” by Ibsen with live music.
Saturday Nov.14 Kerrytown Concert House
10am&12pm “Magic Carpet: Nordic Weave” kids concerts
7pm “Nordic Romance”
Sunday Nov.15 Kerrytown Concert House
6pm Coffee and pulla Reception (included in the admission price): Finnish Center Association
7pm “Nordic Edge” new classical chamber music by exciting Scandinavian composers
Official Website: http://lsa.umich.edu/umich/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=9217a17e867e3210VgnVCM100000a3b1d38dRCRD&vgnextchannel=dfe1df938afa2110VgnVCM10000096b1d38dRCRD
Added by UM German Dept on October 5, 2009