16 CEUs = $350 ($395 after October 15th). Taught by Claire Marie Miller. http://www.nurturingthemother.com Note: take Nurturing the MotherĀ® and Fertility Massage together for a total of $750 ($50 savings).
* This class will be held in Owings Mills, MD
Students will learn the anatomy of both male and female reproductive systems and will understand the process to be able to support a couple using Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). The student will know how to refer and network with other important healthcare practitioners and be able to market this ground-breaking technique successfully in their community.
The Fertility Massage Specialist Certification 16 CE seminar includes lecture, massage demonstration, and hands-on practicals. Other fertility media is referenced, including the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler and The Miracle of Life DVD from Nova and Lennart Nilsson.
Claire has been in healthcare since 1972, massage therapy since 1979, and is one of the original NCBTMB providers.
Please call (410) 243-4688 to register by phone or visit our website at
Added by Holistic Massage on October 7, 2012