600 E Nine Mile Rd
Ferndale, Michigan

Join us at Luxury Lanes on Friday, October 29th at 5 pm for a unique networking event and fun night out! Included in the evening will be complimentary appetizers and pizza, two games of bowling and shoe rental. Costumes will be optional, but a fun prize will be awarded to the most creative costume. Lanes will be assigned by types of business so that we can help make sure you are mingling with good referral partners (we'll at least do our best) so be sure to register in advance by emailing events@ferndalechamber.com, referencing Glow Bowl and including your business category. Cost to attend is $10 for members, $15 for non-members.

Official Website: http://www.ferndalechamber.com/CommunityCalendar.htm

Added by folkie on October 20, 2010

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