Feng Shui 101 Start 2010 in Harmony
Feng Shui 101
Sunday, 03 January, 2010
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
You are where you live, According to Feng Shui,
your position in the universe affects your destiny.
Feng Shui works on evaluating & correcting imbalances
that subtly affect our natural rhythms & disconnect
us from nature's positive energy.
Workshop will cover:
Controlling Cycles of the Five Elements
* Find Your Personal Element / Directions / Kua Number
* Qualities of Yin & Yang
* Feng Shui Chi Enhancers
* Five Tenants of Feng Shui - Hope's Rules
* Some Do's and Taboos
* Ba-Gua
Limited Seats RSVP by: 15 Dec., 2009 so that we can have the workbooks and handouts ready for everyone.
$50.00 per person (min. 5 – max. 24)
Hand outs
Please bring a bag lunch/snacks
We will have a 1/2 hr. for lunch and 2-15 min. breaks.
Sign-up today !
E-mail us your:
Name: ______________________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________
E-Mail: SpiritTouchLight@aol.com
website: http://ATouchofLight.webs.com
Mail check or money order to:
Linda Furrow – Feng Shui Workshop
8366 Country Life Road
Pasadena, MD 21122-4404
Workshop Guides:
Linda Furrow 443-603-4246
Nancy Turner 410-733-4662
Official Website: http://inspiredeventsofmd.com
Added by A Touch of Light 2 on December 16, 2009