This groundbreaking comedy is swinging the pendulum back from
the feminist backlash:
fem¢•i•nä•zi, is a comedic treatment of post-feminism through the eyes of four women: the Virgin Mary - kvetching about raising Jesus; Fran – a “preacher” rapping about older “invisible” women; Sarah – strumming along to the “working women’s blues;” & the “feminazi” – endlessly searching for sexist pigs. fem¢•i•nä•zi originated at the Edmonton, Winnipeg, Orlando & DC Fringe Festivals.
In explaining the term, Willett stated “I felt that the word ‘feminazi’ is basically the n-word for women. Between the Bush administration’s withholding funding for family planning groups & Rush Limbaugh’s reliance on the word ‘feminazi,’ I knew I wanted to address this backlash that is going on in the country & with comedy, I knew I could do it in a way that the audience could enjoy it while leaving them with something to think about. To be funny is great; to be funny & relevant, I think is the best realization of comedy.”
A portion of the proceeds benefit Planned Parenthood.
Official Website:
Added by Silver Glass Productions on July 13, 2008