You Otter Know--Auditorium-2pm. Have fun, win prizes and learn how to protect sea otters in the wild. In this entertaining live program, we'll choose three contestants from the audience to see who knows the most about sea otters! Sea Otter Feeding and Training Session-10:30am, 1:30pm and 3:30pm-See how aquarists train and feed our playful sea otters in this captivating live program. Learn how our exhibit otters help us understand otters in the wild. Monterey Bay Habitats Feeding-12pm-Watch divers feed the animals in our third-largest exhibit. Different animals are fed on different days, including everything from sharks, to sturgeon to giant sea bass. Stop by and find out who's getting lunch today! Kelp Forest Feeding-11:30am, 4pm-Watch a diver hand-feed the sharks, fishes and other animals in our Kelp Forest exhibit while you learn about this unique and beautiful undersea world during a live interactive presentation. Penguin Feeding-10:30am, 3pm-In this live program aimed at our younger visitors, learn how aquarists feed and care for our blackfooted penguin colony and the challenges these animals face in today's world.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 9, 2011