This will be a social event to meet other Fedora users and people curious about Fedora from the state of Ohio, and check out the cool features of the new Fedora 9 release (due out on May 13, 2008). It will also serve as an opportunity for people to find out what Fedora and free software in general is all about and ask questions of people already involved in the community.
Official Website:
Added by bpepple on April 19, 2008
Hi folks! Is anyone bringing DVDs of the i386 release, by chance? Have been trying to download - servers are busy! (yeah!) Would love to come by for a bit...
Basil Gohar
Sorry to pull-out at the last minute, but my family has something planned for tonight (really, it's just dinner), and I don't want to miss that. This is another FRP that I'm going to have to miss. I hope it goes well and I can't wait to hear more about it!