Despite "Snowmageddon", it looks like we may be able to hold this month's DCRUG after all! :)
We begin our meetings with a short introductory presentation on Ruby or Rails -- no experience necessary -- before getting into the more advanced topics.
And, as always, we'll have an ample supply of free pizza for all attendees, so don't worry about eating dinner beforehand.
Weather permitting, here's the agenda for our February meeting:
* Brian Cardarella - "What's in a name? Naming conventions in Ruby and Rails"
* Michael Mayernick - "Multi-Framework Ruby Apps"
* Mike Subelsky - "Startup Lessons Learned"
We always are looking for presenters, so if you have a topic or project on which you'd like to do a 20-minute presentation, please email me at joe at and I'll add you to the list. If have presented before, you are welcome to give a presentation on a new topic. This is a great chance for some of you guys and gals lingering in the back of the room to share some of the cool things you are working on. Don't be shy -- you're among fellow geeks. :)
And, as always, we'll be heading around the corner to Post Pub, for a beer or two after the meeting, to unwind and socialize with fellow techies.
Official Website:
Added by josephgrossberg on February 7, 2010