1623 Carmel Rd.
Charlotte, North Carolina 28226

7pm, 1623 Carmel Road at St John's Episcopal Church room 204 in Charlotte NC, www.linkedin.com/groups/Charlotte-Job-Help-4454479

Feb 12 Lynn Hansen - Cold Calls
Feb 19 Denise Cooper - The Right Fit
Feb 26 Jon Davis - An Intentional CareerPath
Mar 5 Mindy Chebaut - Using A Positive Attitude To Put The Odds In Your Favor
Mar 12 Kyle Pertius - Self Awareness
Mar 19 Scott D’Amico - Become A Thought Leader In Your Field
Mar 26 Linda Shanock - Distinguishing Yourself: Working The Likeability Angle
Apr 2 no meet
Apr 9
Apr 16 Scott Parker - Resumes Fast
Apr 23 Catherine Burton - Job Hunt and The Journal

Free, let us know you're coming, reed.james@yahoo.com

Meetings in Projects Section of www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=16733369

Added by James Reed on February 8, 2013

Interested 1