Feast of Our Lady of Candelaria
Salta, Salta, Argentia
Salta is a city located in the Lerma Valley, at 1,152 metres (3780 feet) above sea level in the north west part of Argentina and it is also the name for the capital city of the Salta Province. Along with its metropolitan area, it has a population of 619,000 inhabitants, which makes it the second most populated city in the northwest of the country. Within Argentina, Salta is the city which has preserved its colonial architecture the best.
More Information upcoming as much for the Feast here in Salta as well as in Humahuaca,........... and what goes on.
Added by Bob Frassinetti on February 26, 2013
One of the main activities in Salta is the April Culture Festival, which lasts the entire month and offers a wide variety of activities such as cultural performances, a handcraft exposition, and live orchestral performances.More Information soon, .........
Processions, an element in all ceremonial, are to be found, as we should expect, in almost every form of religious worship. The example of the processions with the Ark in the Old Testament (cf. especially 2 Samuel 6 and 1 Kings 8) and the triumphant entry of our Saviour into Jerusalem in the New were probably not without influence upon the ritual of later ages. Even before the age of Constantine, the funeral processions of the Christians seem to have been carried out with a certain amount of solemnity, and the use of the word by Tertullian (De Praescriptio, xliii) may possibly have reference to some formal progress or movement of the faithful churchwards, which led afterwards to the assembly itself or the service being called processio as well as synaxis and collecta (Probst, "Sakramentarien und Ord.", 205).
Bob Frassinetti
More Information upcoming as much for the Feast here in Salta as well as in Humahuaca,........... and what goes on.