850 North Lake Blvd
Tahoe City, California 96145

$3 or $4/ticket not sure 850 N. Lake Blvd Tahoe City, CA (Behind Safeway) (530) 632-2858

Official Website: http://www.lakesidetahoecity.com

Added by Lakeside, Tahoe City on October 12, 2008



Yes we played there but probably won't ever again!!! They pay weakly and then charge for ANYTHING we drink or eat! This is the ONLY club that didn't have a tab for drinks!! Beware!! Don't go there expecting to make any money!! Sorry to our fans in Tahoe City. We love you and want to play for you but TC doesn't offer many places to play. Ideas? Let me know at rawger11@yahoo.com PEACE....RAWGER - BASSIST - FEARLESS CHICKEN