2301 Evesham Road, Suite 109
Voorhees, New Jersey 08043

Fearless Aging Seminar
To live and age fearlessly is to call up your courageous spirit and use creative tools to divine your life and your future. The time of fearless aging is right now, regardless of how old or young you are.
Dr. Jo Anne White will share with you spiritually uplifting and practical strategies to discover and open the channels for empowered lives and fearless aging. Life doesnt come with a roadmap. Live in response to its seasons, feel inspired and on track with your choices and your spirit. When that happens, life is more creative and youre more connected to your inner source.
Dr. Jo Anne White, Ph.D.. is an international author, speaker and certified coach. Known as the Success Doc to global audiences, Dr. White has helped thousands of men, women and families overcome personal and professional challenges, and experience more success, family, life and relationship satisfaction. Among Dr Whites Current Books are The Baby Boomers Handbook for Women and Emotional Wellness for Women, Vol. II & III.
Space is Limited For This Powerful Seminar!

Organized by Transformations
Transformations is the Greater Delaware Valleys premier Holistic Learning Center with the vision to help individuals, families and communities actualize their highest potential while contributing to the greater good.

Ticket Info:  Fearless Aging, $46.12

Official Website: http://fearlessaging-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 21, 2009

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