"Attn: Miss Calpurnia" is an iteration of a film, a figure, a still, an image, a page and a color fax machine. In a never-ending, transforming loop, material components move from film to video to fax to copy to print in the deconstruction of the still and moving image.
Perched on its pedestal the fax machine ‘copies’ a series of faxed color stills from Colvin's single-channel video "Miss Calpurnia." A fleeting figure frozen on the page is caught up in its own elusive choreography as the sheets of paper fall to the floor. These stills mark a performance of sorts which in turn compile into an issue of "Vladimar and Rosa," Colvin's latest ephemeral publication devoted to the moving image. A final iteration of "Attn: Miss Calpurnia" will take the form of a blown-up version of one of the faxed stills which will be displayed in the Gallery as a 30”x40” plotter print.
Added by sfac gallery on May 31, 2012