Infinite Appeal Modeling Organization Presents...
FASHIONOLOGY: A Lesson into Fashion
The Official Fall 2008 Fashion Show
Come witness the epitome of FASHIONOLOGY as the Infinite Appeal Models give the ultimate lesson. You think you know but you have no idea!!
Course Description:
This course is an advance study of what it takes to be fashion forward while utilizing different techniques. Focus is on trend identification, style, presentation and design developments. Students gain knowledge and acquire necessary skills with regard to being fashionable in their everday lives. Prerequisite: NONE
Pre Show with special guest recording artists!!
Fashion Show Extravaganza
***Showcasing Designs***
~Raquel by Lakedra Reed
~Dyme Empire & Dyme for Women
~Seventies Girl by Shavonda Andrews
~NV-U boutique
~Priceless Treasures Boutique
~Bluprint Clothing
~Customs by Sarah Rodriguez
$7 in advance
$10 @ the door
$15 VIP
Tickets are on sale NOW & can be purchased from any Infinite Appeal member!!!
Free After Party in Ballroom following Show
This is an event you don't want to miss!!!!
Infinite Possibilities..there are NO Boundaries
Added by IAModel on November 9, 2008