1050 Bob Courtway Suite 5
Conway, Arkansas 72032

Fashion & Fame is looking for models between the ages of 18-up for our 3 Fall Shows and Christmas Shows. Each show you will get paid $50 and you will also have a contract with Funk Fusion Academy. All models will also get a 6mth contract with Fashion & Fame for 10% off each purchase starting in November 2010. Models will also be asked to showcase their skills in other shows with pay from $50-$300. You will be given a full list of perks once you are named a "Face for Fashion & Fame."

Things needed for open call are:
1. Head and Body Photo
2. Heels for walking
3. Resume for modeling
4. $10 registration fee

Please understand that certain information is only given to the winners and all must be present on this day to become the Face of Fashion & Fame.

Please call 501-366-1049 or funkfusionacademy@gmail.com for more info.

Added by Funk Fusion Academy on November 3, 2010