1 of 4 shows in Stanford Summer Theater's 2007 Season, "Africa Onstage." This infectious comedy, by award-winning Nigerian playwright Femi Osofisan, offers an upbeat treatment of the archetypal tale of familial-crossed lovers. Using music, movement, and improvisation, director Rachel Anderson celebrates the transformational potential of the stage, embodied by an eclectic theatrical company who keep shifting the roles they play and how those roles play out. Treating stereotypes and taboos with uproarious humor, Farewell to a Cannibal Rage presents a vision of Africa open to its own invention, unleashing the creative power of the theater in truly African fashion.
Tickets are $20 reserved online (highly recommended) or "pay what you like" at the door.
Thursday through Sunday August 9-12 at 8:00 pm in the Pigott Theater, Memorial Auditorium, on the Stanford campus.
E-mail gelender@stanford.edu for more information.
Official Website: http://summertheater.stanford.edu
Added by Amanda G on June 10, 2007