Farewell Concert for Jim Keller and Ron Revier! If you have ever sung in a choir with Revier or Keller you are invited to join us in a celebration of all the wonderful and amazing things these two men have accomplished! This is for Alumni only,NOT CURRENT STUDENTS!!!(for space reasons only, not because we don't love you! This includes current seniors!).
Choir Members- We will rehearse at Fairview High School on May 16th at 1:00pm. Mr. Revier and Mr. Keller will both be directing songs they have selected for this event. The rehearsal will end at 4:30pm. We will then return for the evening concert at 6:30pm (the concert starts at 7:00pm.) We have to know by May 2nd if you are attending so that we have enough music, please plan on bringing a BLACK folder to put your music in. I would like for you to e-mail your name, voice part and graduation year to
farewellconcert@yahoo.com. Please make sure we have all of that information, that is in addition to responding to Eventbrite! We want to see if we can have a "balanced choir". If you are singing in the choir, please do not buy a ticket, that is for people NOT singing in the choir.
Concert Attendees- If you would like to attend the concert you may purchase tickets as stated above. We will also be selling tickets at the door before the concert, but if you want guaranteed tickets, please order in advance, that will also let us know how many people we can expect. We will have VERY limited ticket sales at the door! When all the tickets are gone, we are sold out and the auditorium only seats 640. Proceeds from the concert will go towards archiving the FHS Choir Department (records to CD's etc.) Seating will be general admission, doors will open at 6:15pm that evening. Please send ticket money to Fairview High School, attn. Janice Vlachos. In the memo section of the check please put how many tickets you are purchasing. You will be able to pick up your tickets at the ticket booth on May 15 from 11:00am-3:30pm or on May 16th from 5:30pm until 6:50pm from the ticket booth. I will also have them at the rehearsal. If you send me your address with your ticket money I will send them to you in the mail.
Reception- There will be a reception after the concert in the student center at Fairview, please plan on attending! The reception is for everyone, attendees and performers.
Gift- We would like to get a gift for Ron and Jim, please send any amount and we will present them with a gift the evening of the concert. We would also love to compile a book of letters.If you would like to write a letter, please bring it the day of the concert, or send it to Fairview- attn. Janice Vlachos. PLEASE make sure if you are sending money for a gift send it to5167 Gallatin Place, Boulder CO 80303 to Kelly Fano (1986 Graduate), do not send that money with your ticket money, please make checks to Kelly Fano. This should be a seperate check from your ticket money-ticket money goes to Fairview!!!
The biggest challenge with this event is trying to manage the numbers, PLEASE make sure you respond before coming (both to Eventbrite and Yahoo)! This is going to be a wonderful event! Mr. Revier and Mr. Keller are aware of this event, but the gift is a secret!Please direct all questions to
janice.vlachos@bvsd.org, not Mr. Revier or Mr. Keller.
Ticket Info: - Alumni concert Member, Free
- Farewell Concert for Jim Keller and Ron Revier, $8.99
- Farewell Gift for Ron Revier and Jim Keller, Free
Official Website: http://farewellconcertkellerandrevier-upcoming.eventbrite.com