6300 Civic Terrace Avenue
Newark, California 94560

Fantastic Toastmasters is a well established club with many long-time members and enduring ties to the Fremont/Newark area. We always achieve Distinguished Club status in recognition of our effective club management skills.

You are invited to attend this fun-filled event to learn how Fantastic Toastmasters club can help you to:
- be a better speaker, listener and leader
- overcome the fear of speaking to a group
- think on your feet to give impromptu speech(helpful for job interviews and social occasions)
- improve your self-esteem to be a successful person

We meet on Saturdays (9:45am to 11:15am), outside your busy week, at a convenient location. Hope to see you in our meeting!

Official Website: http://www.geocities.com/fantastictm/

Added by roja_roja on March 17, 2008

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