2820 East University Drive
Mesa, Arizona 85213

Vampires are in season with the release of the new movie Twilight, Breaking Dawn, the third and final installment in the wildly popular vampire movies by the same name. However, you can’t be a vampire without any teeth! One Mesa dentist is solving the toothless vampire problem while at the same time helping children with Down syndrome.
Mountain View Family Dental is hosting a “Fangs for Friends” promotion beginning immediately and running through the premier of Breaking Dawn on November 16th. They will be making life-like custom-fitted fangs for a donation of $50. One hundred percent of the donation goes to Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona.
These fangs are custom-made to fit the teeth of the person who will wear them. It requires an in office visit of about 15 minutes to have your teeth measured to fit the fangs, then it takes about an hour to get them made. These life-like fangs will make you the hit of the party and will enable you to bite just about any neck you desire!
“We always love doing things to give back to the community but this year we wanted to do something different, and fun!! We think Fangs for Friends is going to be a bloody good time,” says Dr. Shayne Guffey, owner of Mountain View Family Dental.
Appointments must be made in advance to get fitted for your custom made fangs. Future vampires can call 480-830-0262 to schedule. Mountain View Family Dental is located at 2820 East University Drive, Mesa, Mesa, AZ 85213.
The Fangs for Friends promotion is also made possible by a generous donation from Patterson Dental Supply Inc.
Mountain View Family Dentistry has served the East Valley for over 20 years and is owned by Dr. Shayne Guffey. They practice general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry and more. For more information go to MountainViewFamilyDentistry.com.

Added by Wkenney on October 11, 2012


Ender Berett

So, will this be like a kind of dental implants mesa service, or is it more just a cleaning kind of thing? This would be really great for us, and I greatly appreciate it! I hope everything works out!

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