How many completely random Bostonians can we get to "freeze" for five full minutes in the tourist-friendly, bustling Faneuil Hall Marketplace?
If you have no idea what we're talking about, take a quick look at the following video by ImprovEverywhere:
Time and date is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, April 13, 2008 from 1:00 PM to 1:05 PM. Plan to meet on the Government Center plaza at around 12:40 PM to discuss logistics and to get organized. More details to follow.
A few suggested ground-rules:
- Invite everyone you know. Even if you don't want to freeze, come to take pictures and videos, and enhance the experience.
- Practice freezing in a comfortable pose. You'll be surprised how quickly you get tired or sore.
- Timing is best conducted using your mobile phone set to vibrate. You'll set two alarms, one for the freeze time, one for the unfreeze time.
- After the freeze, continue on with your life. Go into a store, walk around the marketplace. Perhaps we'll organize a get together at a local bar.
- Dress appropriately. This event is happening rain or shine.
We'll try to keep both the Facebook Event as well as the Yahoo Upcoming page updated with the latest information.
Added by BostonHappenings on February 25, 2008