Community Workshop
Support to Help Get You to the Other Side
Everyone is welcome
Free food, beverages, and games for All!!
Presenters will speak on the following: What to do for Housing, Property Taxes, Foreclosures on Homes, Unfair Marketing and Banking, and What is Your Pupose in Life? Free Medical Clinics or at a Low fee and Free Food Banks.
Mr. Keith Owens, Dir.of Communications of Wayne County Treasury Office
Topic: How to avoid Foreclosure and what to do when you are in Foreclosure
At 10am-11am and 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Ms Lillie Sorrell, Dir. of VFCAY
Topic: For Filling Your Destiny/What is Your Purpose in Life?
At 10am to 11:30a and 12:30 to 1:30pm
Mr. Ted Phillips, Executive Dir. of United Community Housing Coalitions
Topic: Issues on Tenant Landlord & Subsidize Housing
At 10am to 11:30 and 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Mr. Derek Blackmon, Dir.of Field Operations/NAACP
Topic: Unfair Lending & Practice Banking
At 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Mr. Al Lucy, CEO/Young Biz Michigan, Entrepreneur Owning Your Own Business
Topic: Entrepreneurship for both Youth and Adults
At 1pm to 2pm
Added by Walk In Truth on August 27, 2009