26279 Michigan Avenue
Inkster, Michigan 48141

Community Workshop
Support to Help Get You to the Other Side
Everyone is welcome
Free food, beverages, and games for All!!

Presenters will speak on the following: What to do for Housing, Property Taxes, Foreclosures on Homes, Unfair Marketing and Banking, and What is Your Pupose in Life? Free Medical Clinics or at a Low fee and Free Food Banks.

Mr. Keith Owens, Dir.of Communications of Wayne County Treasury Office
Topic: How to avoid Foreclosure and what to do when you are in Foreclosure
At 10am-11am and 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Ms Lillie Sorrell, Dir. of VFCAY
Topic: For Filling Your Destiny/What is Your Purpose in Life?
At 10am to 11:30a and 12:30 to 1:30pm

Mr. Ted Phillips, Executive Dir. of United Community Housing Coalitions
Topic: Issues on Tenant Landlord & Subsidize Housing
At 10am to 11:30 and 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Mr. Derek Blackmon, Dir.of Field Operations/NAACP
Topic: Unfair Lending & Practice Banking
At 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Mr. Al Lucy, CEO/Young Biz Michigan, Entrepreneur Owning Your Own Business
Topic: Entrepreneurship for both Youth and Adults
At 1pm to 2pm

Added by Walk In Truth on August 27, 2009

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