9th and Lincoln
San Francisco, California 94122

Interested in learning about winter birds in a fun, family-friendly event? Families are invited to San Francisco Botanical Garden for its first annual Christmas Bird Count4Kids.

On January, 12, from 8am to 12:30pm experienced birders will lead teams of children and their parents on different routes through the Garden for the annual bird count.

After an easy 90-minute observation walk, groups will gather for a brown bag lunch at the San Francisco County Fair Building to tally and share results, and learn the importance of Citizen Science monitoring for bird conservation.
A binocular boot camp and birding basics will be offered at 8:30 am.

For more information contact Andrew at ASieving@sfbg.org or call 415-661-1316 xt. 400. Register at www.sfbg.org.
The event is free and open to all children aged 8-16. Space is limited to 36 children.

The CBC4Kids was launched in 2007 by Tom Rusert and Darren Peterie of Sonoma Birding and has been spreading across North America ever since.
"Every year for over a century, Christmas Bird counts have been organized across America through Audubon, mainly for adults, during mid-December and early January," said Rusert. "Young kids with their families are often not included in this important 24-hour, rigorous 'citizen science' effort so we created the CBC4Kids and their families. This is a stand-alone, half-day event instilling some of the important basic ingredients in the grand old Audubon tradition. The objective is to have fun, and potentially create a hometown team of birders and conservationists for the future while encouraging families to enjoy and respect nature together."

Official Website: http://www.sfbg.org

Added by FullCalendar on December 17, 2012

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