Northfield Hospice staff is offering a Family Bereavement Support Group Series for children and their parents, beginning Monday, Feb. 13, and extending through Monday, March 20.
Separate groups will be facilitated for children in grades K-2, 3-5 and grades 6-8. There will also be a group for parents. Participants will be introduced to a framework for understanding and identifying grief reactions and provided suggestions for handling grief experienced by both adults and children. Facilitators will use a workbook developed especially for children coping with grief from family loss and change.
The bereavement support groups will be held on Monday evenings from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at Emmaus Baptist Church, 712 North Linden, Northfield. Kristal Swanson,a Northfield Hospice social worker; Angie DeNardo Meagher, a master?s level counselor; Jan Rohwer, a hospice volunteer; and Amanda Pettis, a social work intern; will facilitate the groups.
The fee for all six sessions is $10 per family. If money is an issue, other arrangements can be made.
To register for the support group, contact Swanson at 507-646-1147 or or look for registration forms at community schools and other locations.
Added by Scott Richardson on January 18, 2006