572 S Adams Rd
Birmingham, Michigan

Currently, the Birmingham Fire Department is offering a CPR For Family and Friends Course. It is held on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 P.M. lasting approximately two hours. The Birmingham Fire Department will NOT be giving out Heartsaver cards for this class, but participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Birmingham Fire Department. This class is free to the public.

This class targets all lay rescuers, such as school children, family members of patients at risk for sudden cardiac death and other lay persons who want to learn rescue skills for loved ones. The course teaches rescuers skills in CPR and relief of foreign-body airway obstruction. It presents information about the American Heart Association's (AHA) adult chain of survival and signs of heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking in adults. The course also presents information about the AHA pediatric infant and child chain of survival, signs of choking of infants and children, and prevention of sudden infant death syndrome.

Both the CPR For Family and Friends Course and the Heartsaver CPR Course are limited to twenty people. To sign up for one of these classes, get the exact dates of the classes or have any further questions answered, call the Birmingham Fire Department at 248-530-1900.

Added by dynamite_boi on November 5, 2010

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