真 Truthfulness
善 Compassion
忍 Tolerance
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is an advanced traditional Chinese meditation system designed to improve mind and body through slow, gentle and smooth exercises. The practice not only has far reaching effects on stress-relief and overall mental and physical health, but also ultimately has the higher goal of bringing people towards wisdom and enlightenment.
Suitable for all ages
Free teachings, no charges
Relieves stress, creates harmony
5 sets of exercises, easy to learn
More than 100 million practitioners
Improves health, and cleanses the body
*~*~*Falun Gong has five sets of easy-to-learn gentle movements and a meditation*~*~*~
Based on the Principals of: Truthfulness (Zhen), Compassion (Shan), Tolerance(Ren)
The workshops will be at Sahara West Library in room C (in the Northeast Corner) from 1:00pm to 3:00pm on Saturday, August 1, 2009 and on August 15, 2009 same time, same place.
For more information contact Jerri @ 702-255-9143 (daytime only)
Official Website: http://falundafalasvegas.blogspot.com/
Added by JR23 on July 31, 2009