This fall, Zeum is throwing a party to unveil our exciting top-secret new changes to the Main Gallery and show off more of what awesome, creative things are possible here!
Join us for a fun-filled day with friends and festivities featuring family performances from local acts and on-site workshops in performance led by our professional arts educators.
- Youth dance by Oakland's Destiny Youth Arts
- circus arts by Keeno & Gherkin
- music by resident ZeumMaster DJ, JayFree of Spintronix Entertainment
- live radio and music video production with Movin' 99.7 who will be broadcasting live onsite!
We'll also have an interactive workshops with our new Production Studio with Zeum Educator and local Bay Area theater guru, Perry Aliado, who will performing in the upcoming "James and the Giant Peach" in Berkeley at the end of the month!
$6 youth 4-18; $7 students/seniors, $8 adults.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 12, 2007