"This program is tailored specifically for the professional woman, who needs to pay special attention to wardrobe and grooming in a challenging economy. Different professions demand individual uniformity," states Colleen Abrie, AICI FLC, CDI, the event's chief a well-known and respected head-to-toe stylist expert. "This is a must-attend program for savvy women who want to look their best without breaking the bank,' laughs Abrie, founder of Concepts in Style, based in Burlingame.
As a special bonus feature, prolific writer, author and image expert Brenda Kinsel, AICI CIP (Fashion Makeover: 30 Days to Diva Style), shares fall trend highlights, including how to put together your fall/winter look and how to avoid the crazy side of trends. "We've pulled out all the stops to make this evening fun, fashionable and meaningful," says AICI SFBA's new president, Marjory DeRoeck, AICI CIP, who owns the Lafayette-based The Image Studio, "Developing a closet strategy and getting permission to reinvent old favorites before going on a fall fashion shopping spree makes a great deal of sense in frugal times."
Other image pros contributing their expertise include:
Jennifer Bressie, AICI FLC, of Jennifer Bressie Image and Style of San Francisco.
Julie Kaufman, AICI FLC, of Julie Kaufman Wardrobe Consulting of Atherton, co-author of Executive Image Power.
Alyce Parsons, AICI CIP CET CIHM of Universal Style of Monte Sereno, author of several books on style including her most recent: StyleSource: The Power of the Seven Universal Styles for Men and Women.
Bianca Stark-Falcone, AICI FLC, of Well Dressed, Mill Valley, and co-author of Image Power.
Divya Vashi, a native of India who divides her time between New Delhi, New York and San Francisco, co-author Executive Image Power and reporter with the BBC World Service.
Carolyn Woodworth, AICI FLC, owner of Design & Style Image Studio in Lafayette and VP Education Conference for the AICI SFBA Chapter.
AICI members & guests $69. At the door $75. Call Colleen Abrie at 408-772-3358.
Official Website: http://www.aici.org/about/chapters/san_fran.htm
Added by FullCalendar on September 14, 2009