Chicago, Illinois 60607

3 to 6 p.m. Interactive Workshop
Converging Our Efforts: Building the Faith and Health Movement Together
There are many people involved in faith and health activities of all kinds across the
metropolitan Chicago area. In this interactive workshop, well explore our history, learn
about resources to help us work more deeply and strongly,
and plan together for future collaboration and action.
6 to 7 p.m.Reception and Networking
Share food and conversation with friends and colleagues.
Peruse resource tables from faith and health organizations.
7 to 8:30 p.m.Lecture and Jazz Quartet
Converging Arts: What jazz can teach us about collaboration and transformation
Dr. Sharon Welch, Provost, Meadville Lombard Theological School with
The Mike Smith Quartet
We have all been working hard on critical issues. Are you tired?! Come to this inspiring
evening of encouragement, beauty and fun to renew your spirit and get ideas for how to
carry the work forward with creativity and courage.

Added by stewart_smith_60637 on June 12, 2009