Fair Trade Day World Market, hosted by Alter Eco, is a gathering of Bay
Area organizations involved with Fair Trade and promoting social justice.
Date: Saturday May 13th
Time: 8:00am-4:00pm
Location: Justin Herman Plaza
(across the street from the Ferry Building on The Embarcadero in San
The public is invited to come and enjoy live music, free food tasting,
cooking lessons, information on Fair Trade organizations and the co-ops they
work with, a documentary on a Thai Fair Trade rice co-op, and much more!
Come learn more about Fair Trade and check out the exquisite handmade-crafts
Alter Eco is a start up Fair Trade food company based in San Francisco.
Our full line of Fair Trade and Natural products includes Coffee, Tea,
Rice, Quinoa, Sugar and Chocolate; look for all these great products at your
favorite Bay Area natural and gourmet food store.
More info on Alter Eco at www.altereco.com
Official Website: http://www.altereco.com
Added by h3ll0xt1na on May 3, 2006