What is your giant, and what is it guarding?
As you face the giants in your life, whether it be a large debt, a challenging relationship, or a daunting health condition, remember that it is only a giant compared to something else usually compared to what you have experienced before or compared to what you think you can handle.
Facing Your Giants is a home coaching package that explores a new way to face the giants in your life. Dr. Paul Jenkins brings 13 years of experience as a Clinical Psychologist and facilitator of personal change to this program which is designed to help you overcome the giants in your life. Dr. Paul provides practical and compelling guidance and tools needed to transform adversity into opportunity. As you listen to the audio or watch the video presentations, and complete the exercises included in this package, a transformation will take place. You will gain from this program the ability to face the giants in your life with confidence and excitement. As you overcome the giants that you face you will also give others the permission and confidence to overcome theirs.
Included in the Facing Your Giants package:
4- Downloadable video presentations with Dr. Paul Jenkins
4- Downloadable audio versions of the presentations
4- Extensive practical exercise worksheets
4- Coaching conference calls with Dr. Paul and other Live On Purpose Staff
To purchase all of these components separately and privately would cost you around $800.00! Dr. Paul is making this packageavailable to you at a significant savings through the new media!
Listen to this free teleseminar for a more thorough introduction to the program:
A message from Dr. Paul about "Facing Your Giants"
You are about to start one of the most important things you can do for yourself in conquering your giants.
Last summer I took my son out to the West Desert in Utah looking for bugs for his 9th grade biology assignment to make a collection. While we were driving along this dirt road, we saw something moving and stopped the car. It turned out to be a tarantula, which we excitedly collected and returned as a live specimen to his biology teacher. I thought to myself that thing is a GIANT. Well, that is only true compared to other, smaller spiders. Compared to me, that spider is pretty small. As you face the giants in your life, whether it be a large debt, a challenging relationship, or a daunting health condition; remember that it is only giant compared to something else usually compared to what you have experienced before or compared to what you think you can handle. Keep the perspective that giants are all relative, and work on finding something in your life that is bigger than your giant like your God, your vision, or your purpose.
Occasionally along the path to our dream we encounter giants that stand in our way and threaten us. In a menacing way, they insist that we turn back, trying to discourage and intimidate. These giants may be immovable objects, opposing individuals, sluggish systems, or crushing burdens. In a scene from Harry Potter, the kids encounter a huge three-headed dog-like beast named Fluffy. After fleeing from the beast, Hermione chides the boys a bit for not noticing that the beast was actually guarding something a trap door. Ask yourself what your particular giant is guarding. Only by moving beyond and through the giants can we attain the dream. Sometimes the brick walls are there only to test how badly we want something.
Everyone I know has giants in their life right now. Our desire for security sometimes gets us stuck on this side of our giants. I really like what Helen Keller had to say about security and for those of you who may have forgotten, Helen Keller was both blind and deafSecurity is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature nor do the children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. - Helen Keller
After purchasing the program, you will find in the coaching center four episodes or sessions which I present in both video and audio formats. You can listen or watch on your computer, or download the audio for your iPod or mp3 player. Start with the first episode (brilliant eh?) and then make sure you do the worksheets for this episode before moving on to the second. You will find the worksheets for each episode as pdf files in the coaching center. Welcome to "Facing Your Giants". All my best to you in this endeavor!
Dr. Paul
Ticket Info: - Facing Your Giants e-coaching Program, $302.38
- Personal Coaching Package with Dr. Paul which includes Facing Your Giants e-coaching program, $1,509.95
Official Website: http://fygpackage-upcoming.eventbrite.com