It's that time again! Come and join us at the popular Eyebar for FLYtinis and bumpin' beats. It's conveniently located downtown and near the Farragut North and Farragut West metro stops.
You get: delicious appetizers and drink specials. FLY gets: A percentage of whatever you buy to raise funds for "Back to School" (this happy hour was postponed due to all the generous fundraisers for Hurricane Katrina. hope you were able to attend one!) Suggested donation is $10. Remember, you can always support FLY by donating online at Afterwards, we'll continue the fun at PLAY, a new, hip lounge opening in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. (1219 Connecticut Ave)
Facilitating Leadership in Youth (FLY) is a youth development organization that works with 45 youth from the Barry Farm Public Housing Community and surrounding neighborhoods in Southeast, DC. Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you there!
Added by cblanco on September 28, 2005