Independence Avenue and South Capitol Street
Washington, District of Columbia 20003

Racial and religious profiling is a pervasive problem that affects many communities across the country. While traditionally thought of as targeting the African American community, profiling affects a broad range of communities including African American, Nativ American, Asian American, Latino, Middle Eastern, Arab, Muslim and South Asian communities. Not only is racial and religious profiling degrading for the people subjected t...o it, it is unconstitutional and an ineffective law enforcement practice that damages community security.

Rights Working Group will be hosting a briefing to release Faces of Racial Profiling: A Report from Communities Across America. The report highlights testimonies from the Face the Truth hearings organized with our partners this summer. Communities around the country that have encountered the humiliating practice of profiling underscored the need to stop racial profiling by federal, state and local law enforcement officers. Speaking on the panel is a mix of advocates, police chiefs and community organizers:

- Karen K. Narasaki, President and Executive Director of the Asian American Justice Center and National Commissioner for the Washington state and Los Angeles hearings
- Blanca Santiago, Community Advocate and Organizer in Portland, Maine and Local Commissioner for the Portland hearing
- Karwan Abdulkadir, Resident of Nashville, Tennessee and presenter of testimony at the Nashville hearing*
- Dr. Tracie Keesee, Division Chief of Research, Training and Technology of the Denver Police Department*
- Hilary O. Shelton, Washington Bureau Director and Senior Vice President for Advocacy, NAACP
- Jumana Musa, Deputy Director of the Rights Working Group and moderator

Please RSVP to Mitzi Bowen at or 202-591-3300, x106.

Light Refreshments Will Be Served.

Please note that this event meets the criteria of a "widely attended event," as defined under the new House ethics rules: the event is open to the public and is being actively advertised to an audience of non-Hill staff, with the expectation that more than 25 non-Hill staff will attend. If staffers have further questions, they should contact the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct at (202) 225-7103.See More

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Added by willcoley on September 24, 2010