Montreal, Québec

Are you sick of weekends that are all the same? Let Faceless Invasion redefine what it means to have fun. Imagine hundreds of young people running around Montreal in a competition to see who is the wildest and craziest - and doing it all while wearing Mexican wrestling masks. The goal is fame, but under your control. You can still brag to your friends about how crazy your team went, but it won't come up at your family dinner. Make up a name for yourself and a fake persona. Who's gonna know

The competition will have participants from McGill, Concordia, UdeM, and UQAM as well as independent teams, all vying for the 500$ Grand Prize. Faceless Invasion is going to take over Montreal on March 31st. Keep reading to see how you can get your team together.

All Teams Must Register Before March 19, 2007

Official Website:

Added by facelessinvasion on March 13, 2007

Interested 1