Facebook, Twitter - Making sense of Social Networking for Business
The jargon and hype is everywhere - Social Networking, Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn, Nexopia, Bebo, Hi5, Tagged, XING, Friendster, Multiply, Orkut, Xiaonei, Cyworld, Digg, - tweets, blogs, vlogs, e-mail, wiki, SMS, BBS, Chat, Skype, VOIP....ETC (as in et cetera)
This will be a very interactive seminar where I will talk about social networking, what it means and practical ways to use it for business.
You can spend countless hours online "social networking" with limitted results. Choosing your tools wisely is the key to success.
After the seminar join our weekly networking lunch. Cost $15
Make sure to bring lots of business cards and be prepared to briefly share about your business.
RSVP online at: www.calgarynetworkingevents.com
Official Website: http://www.calgarynetworkingevents.com
Added by CalgaryNetworkingEvents.com on May 23, 2009