Social Media Share is my new LUNCH & LEARN events designed to create a monthly roundtable where we SHARE what we know about getting the most from our Social Media Presence. I will moderate and have 1 expert on hand for this roundtable / brainstorming session. (Though we hope that you will each share what you know and what has worked for you, too.)
January 27th: Hobee's Pruneyard
Banquet Room 11:30 - 1pm Lunch included $35
Topic: Facebook Fan Page Roundtable
Facebook Expert: Karmen Reed
"Karmen is a founding member of the International Social Media Association and is passionate about creating strategies that strengthen her client's online presence through the use of free social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin."
KarmenReed of
 How to get more Google juice out of your Facebook Fan Page and improve organic search rankings by utilizing the benefits of Facebook Fan Pages
 How to attract fans for life and turn them into paying customers
 How to create your own system to keep your Fan Page current and engaging
 How to find good relevant content to update your social sites, including your blog
 How to optimize your Facebook Fan Page by adding applications to help you draw fans and future customers
 Is putting your Fan Page Feed on your sites a good idea
 What are the best practices for writing fan page posts so they are keyword rich and Google likes them
 What about Facebook as a search engine
 What are the best practices for optimal Facebook presence
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 16, 2010