17 Little Pier Street - Darling Harbour
Sydney, New South Wales

A Facebook developers meetup:

"Join us for Australia's inaugural Facebook Developer Garage.

This is an event for anyone interested in the Facebook Developer Platform - the "Operating System" for the web!

What you can expect:

* Facebook Platform Overview and latest Developments
* Run-down of the Hottest Apps at the moment
* Video Appearance from Facebook Representatives
* Video Presentation by Lee Lorenzen - First Facebook only Venture Capitalist
* Other surprise presentations
* Plenty of time to chat to fellow developers and others interested in the Facebook space, exchange ideas, tips etc.

Be sure to join the Sydney Facebook Developers Group:
for the latest info and invitations to future events.

This event is free of charge.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring the event, please contact us!

Looking forward to seeing you!
Chris Guzowski, Tom Beeby and the Travel Apps team!"

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=6351779966

Added by halans on January 14, 2008