1701 Hwy 3 South
League City, Texas 77573

This date has been changed -- workshop will be held on the 24th instead of the 17th. So come on and join us!!!! Learn facial postures that promote strength and beauty and radiance in the face. Face Yoga tones the muscles in the face, around the eyes and the neck. After this workout (and it will be a workout!), we will end the workshop with long deep breathing and a beautiful meditation.

Official Website: http://www.yogalola.com

Added by yogalola on January 3, 2009




This workshop promises to be a whole lot of fun -- Yoga Lola style. Note that both genders are welcome -- this is for everyone who cares about strengthening their face. Here's the plan:

First, we'll do a meditation and very VERY gentle yoga set for Youth and Rejuvination, and you'll get a copy to take home;

Next, we'll firm up those cheeks (and you know which ones I'm talking about!), our eyes, brows, chins & necks with a Face Yoga workout (again, there'll be a handout to take home); and

Then, when we finish our WORKOUTS, we'll PIG OUT on ice cream when we're done!!!!! (All that hard work deserves a reward!)

I've extended the deadline to RSVP to the Face Yoga Workshop until Wednesday. I've had a number of folks indicate that they wanted to come, but I'm not certain who really plans to attend.

If you are planning to make this workshop, please respond to me via e-mail with a confirmation. I must have a minimum of 5 participants in order to hold the workshop.

Sat Nam! Lola