7601 chicago Road
Warren, Michigan 48092

Learn to read a child's face. Recognize when they are likely to develop negative patterns before they start to act them and become ingrained into their personality. Learn to guide a child to change the behavior before it becomes a habit that is even harder for them to break. Eliminate the power struggles, understand the unique personality of a child; learn how to build their strengths and master weaknesses. Recognize patterns of sensitivity, withdrawal, defiance, and aggression, and more importantly how to deal with. This is a must for step, adoptive, foster, and biological parents (Parenting your way, only with additional insights and awareness), teachers, counselors, therapists, and anyone working with children.
Bring close up photos of your children: both profiles and frontal for maximum insights.
Cost $75.00
Including a photographic workbook.
Presented by Face REader Lin Klaassen as seen on Fox TV, CBC Canada,and heard on WWWJ, MetroChick Radio

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Facereader.

Added by linklaassen on December 30, 2007

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