Eyes on the Game
25 October 2007, 19:00 - 21:00
What do you watch when playing a video game: your character, the virtual environment or even the in-game adverts? We’ll have live demonstrations of the latest eye-tracking technology, so come along to discover the secrets of gameplay and design.
John Dodd, CEO, Bunnyfoot
Oli Mival, research fellow, Napier University
Gareth Mitchell, BBC World service 'Digital Planet' presenter
Gareth Mitchell, BBC World service 'Digital Planet' presenter
This event is part of the London Gaming Festival.
Event organised by:
The Science Museum
To book:
Call 020 7942 4040 or e-mail tickets@danacentre.org.uk
The Dana Centre and d.café are licensed premises open only to those aged 18 or over. Most events are free. Arrive early to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food and drink in our air-conditioned d.café.
Please pre-book.
Official Website: http://www.danacentre.org.uk/events/2007/10/25/326
Added by Gaetan Lee on October 11, 2007