"Eye Forum No. 2 will examine how designers feel about their role in marketing, in creating desire and demand, and in the way their work - as art directors, image-makers, typographers, brand custodians, etc. - affects the social, cultural and economic climate beyond getting paid for doing the job they're trained to do. And we'll look at design from a marketing point of view. How important are designers, and where do they fit in the sales and marketing chain? Is graphic design just another service - like a bike company, or outside caterers? Should designers work higher up the food chain, more strategically, or just shut up and get on with it."
Dave Hieatt, founder, owner, Howies
Andy Payne, creative director, Interbrand
Rick Poynor, design critic, columnist and former editor of Eye (1990-97)
Adrian Shaughnessy, art director, writer, consultant, Shaughnessyworks
Chair: Deyan Sudjic, director, Design Museum
[No information on currently on event homepage. Contact Call Clare McNulty on 020 8267 4804 for booking information. Start time to be confirmed.]
Official Website: http://www.eyemagazine.com/
Added by nico_macdonald on August 2, 2007
See reports on Eye Forum No.1: Burning Issues linked from the event comments. Though Eye Fora are prone to navel-gazing and hand-wringing this one at least asks the more strategic question: 'Should designers work higher up the food chain?'.